Thursday, 19 January 2012

Info about the free article directory

info about the free article directory
The free article directory provides clear reviews, tutorials, articles and general information. Through comparisons, recommendations, case studies and useful news, E articles allows nonprofits to take the best decisions to be more effective. By working with the best sources, we try to put together all the essential information that cover a wide range of subjects and we are continually adding new articles into the database. E-articles directory is organized in categories Arts & Entertainment, Automotive, Finance, Dating and relationships, Business, Computers & Technology, Reference & Education, Health, Fitness, Home & Garden, News & Sports and
Advantages of free submitting articles and tutorials at e-article directory
The article directory proposes to make your life easier, providing useful articles, tutorials and information resources from and about various life issues. Here you may find free business articles; financial and e-commerce articles; free internet tutorials; science and health information; free sport and fitness articles; reference and education articles. If you have some, feel free to submit articles to our directory. Each article submission is carefully analyzed by our team.
Other article directories

Also, other general-interest areas are covered home and family articles and tutorials; self improvement tips; travel and leisure; society and religion articles;
The article directory is a premium educational resource and free article submission service, providing comprehensive articles and tutorials and it is designed for information purposes only. The material you find here is free for general use but no part of the content may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without specifying its source (actually, the E articles directory) or linking to it as mentioned on each article page. If you have any question, suggestion or opinion you’d like to share with us, or simply want to notify us about possible article submission errors, please feel free to contatct us .

What makes an original free articles directory
Well, E articles is the only directory on the Internet where your article is translated to 16 foreign languages – your link URLs remain intact in all translated versions of your article! Your article is manually translated to Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Greek and Russian. The translation process takes place once a day so don’t worry if you won’t see your piece translated as soon as you free submit article to us. So, when you submit an article is like you’d submit 17 articles instead. (the English original + its translation to 16 foreign languages). Also, please note around 12 of the total number of daily visitors at are coming via the translated versions of the pages. This way, your submission gets higher exposure to international users along with E article directory.
The information contained by the E article directory is unique and you won’t find the same articles elsewhere on the Internet by the time of the publication. According to our quality guidelines, when you free submit article to us, it MUST be unique-content. For more details on what we understand by this concept, please click here. Now you have the possibility to rewrite your articles by using out free content rewrite tool!

Why to free submit article or tutorial at
- E articles is a SEO friendly article directory, all URLs (including the translated versions of the submitted articles) are search engine friendly and your piece is easily crawled and indexed;
- free submit article to our directory and increase your link popularity and website traffic;
- each article submission is carefully analyzed by our team and if your piece is absolutely unique-content and meets our quality guidelines (grammar, spelling, no dead links, etc), it is added in the directory;
- article submission to our directory is absolutely free; you don’t have to pay in order your piece to be taken into consideration.
How to free submit articles  tutorials
We actually accept unique-content, free article submission only. If you have an article or a tutorial that you’d like to publish in the directory, please read the “Article submission guidelines” available on our website and then, submit articles. Please note, you don’t have to pay in order to be accepted in our directory. If your article submission meets our quality requirements, it will be added in the directory under your name. You will be then provided with the exact URL of your article’s location via E-mail. If your submission is not accepted, you won’t be notified!
How many tutorials  articles to submit in the directory
Feel free to submit as many articles or tutorials as you want. We carefully analyze all of your submissions and if they meet our quality standards, we upload them under your name and you will be notified with the exact location via e-mail. Please note, we generally accept all free article submissions unless they don’t meet the quality guidelines (we usually reject your submitted article if we found it is duplicated content – already published somewhere else on the Internet – or if your article is poor quality).
Why users can’t create an account to manage their article submission
If you decide to free submit articles or tutorials to us, you have to send’em directly to us via the article submission form, after reading the quality guidelines. As soon as we receive your submission, it is carefully analyzed by a member of our team and if it meets our requirements, we upload it to the article directory. Why you can’t create an account In brief, we want to maintain our article directory clear and have effective control over the submitted pieces. But, sure, if you need to make further modifications to your piece, you may contatct us and we do that job for you.
How is the content organized in the article directory
The articles and tutorials on our website are organized by category and all categories are organized alphabetically. Thus, you can rapidly and easily find the information you’re looking for, browsing or doing a quick search. The site search is powered by Google using a new improved search algorithm. Also, our web site provides a navigation menu, and you may always know where you are located while browsing the E article directory. We hope you’ll find our page a useful information resource and our tutorials a key for your questions and doubts. Good luck!

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SEO and Dynamic Websites – how do they fit together
We often receive many questions about dynamic websites. Some site owners want to know how to prepare their dynamic website for search engines. In this article we answer this question.
Because, lets face it, sometimes the technology behind websites can be daunting. It can be difficult at best to understand how your site works. That’s why we wrote this article – to help you understand at least one small part of your site, and how it can (and does) impact your site’s overall search engine marketing performance.
Just what is a dynamic website
First, let us take a look at what we are referring to when talking about a dynamic website. When we are talking of dynamic sites here we are talking about those that generate a non-static URL when it comes to building and displaying pages.
For example A typical URL of a dynamic site would look something like this
Some dynamic sites have more variables, some less, but essentially a “true” dynamic site must use variables as shown above to render the pages.
Why is this a problem
The problem with these types of URLs is that a search engine crawler has problems indexing pages with extended URL variables.
In other words, a crawler will not be able to index the above URL example. While it is true that today’s more sophisticated crawlers can index some dynamic pages, in general they can not get past more than 1 or 2 variables in the URL. That means, in the above example, the crawler may only be able to index pages utilizing “variable1” and “variable2”. Beyond that the crawler likely would not be able to index the page. That means those other pages will not show up in search engine results
As you can probably already guess this is a problem. That is because in many cases (such as e-commerce sites) the “meat” of the site – the product pages – are those pages found after those first 2 variables. In other words, most of the site will not be able to get indexed (or ranked) because of those long, dynamically generated URLs.
Some CMS vendors have attempted to address the issue by implementing coding changes to help make the URLs more search engine friendly, but in many cases the result is not ideal.
That is because they take a URL like this
and turn it into
by replacing all the “” “=” and “&” with “”
While this does make the URL more search engine friendly because it helps to create a static URL, it does pose another problem to search engine rankings That is, the page now becomes too deep in the folder hierarchy to be worth anything to the search engines.
The logic goes back to the “old days” of the web, where websites were hand coded and presented as static HTML or HTM pages. Back then, webmasters would still use a folder structure to organize their sites, but they placed their most important content in the shallower folders, and less important content in deeper folders.
When we say “shallower” and “deeper” we are referring to folder depths. A folder is the text between the slashes in the URL. That means that in the above example, index.php is the first subfolder, and the most shallow, while ID3 is the 7th, and deepest, subfolder.
So as you can see in the above example, product pages found in “ID3” likely will not get indexed by search engine crawlers because of their folder depth. In fact, most content found below “ID1” (the third folder depth) will not be indexed.
This is because the search engine crawlers expect the important content to be found within the first two or three subfolders.
Why is this important to SEO
This is important because as a search engine optimizer we need as much content to be found and indexed as possible. In general, larger sites outperform smaller ones. Therefore we want all that content to be found and indexed as it all has an impact on how the site will perform on the search engines.
For one, every single page indexed increases the chance of a visitor coming the site. That is because every single page can potentially be ranked for any combination of keywords found on that page. If you have a 400 word page, how many keyword combinations do you think that works out to Now multiply that by 1,000 or 10,000 or even 100,000 pages. Now how many potential keyword combinations do you think there are
The second most important reason for having all those pages indexed is because they can influence your link popularity. The search engines today are driven by link popularity. At it’s most basic form link popularity equates to the number of links a site has. The site with the most links can rank higher than the site with fewer links.
That means the more pages you have indexed (all presumably with links elsewhere on the site including the home page) the more internal link popularity that site has. Not only that, but more pages also increases the chances of other sites linking to your site via those pages.
For example, let’s say you are the only site on the web selling blue widgets. By offering a good static URL to the search engines, an opportunity is created whereby other sites that support blue widgets would link to your blue widgets pages. This then increases the site’s overall link popularity.
My site has dynamic URLs. How do I fix it
Well there could be many ways. The simplest is to check with your web development team or CMS system provider to see if this is part of the system. Many commercial and open source CMS systems have options or modules already installed, or easily installable, which allow you to change dynamic URLs on the fly to static appearing ones.
Keep in mind what we mentioned earlier, however. Simply changing a long dynamic URL into a static URL which places your content more than 3 folders deep is not an effective choice. While you would open up more of your content to crawlers, it would not receive as much of a boost in search engines as it could because of that folder depth. In other words, folder depth is key when it comes to changing from dynamic to static URLs.
If such a module is not available for your chosen content management system there could still be options.
For example there are many different free and paid software packages available which allows one to rewrite URLs “on the fly.” These include mod_rewrite for sites hosted on Apache, or ISAPI Rewrite for Windows based hosting. But this would obviously depend on your hosting.
In conclusion
Our goal here was not to scare you. It was to bring to light one of the most misunderstood barriers to search engine indexing and ranking. Sometimes such a fix is as easy as turning on a bit of code, while other times it could be a little more complex, such as perhaps rewriting or adding code.
But in the end, the best way to get a dynamic site fully indexed is to first fix the URLs by having them rewritten into static appearing URLs.
Rob Sullivan
Search Engine Marketing and Brand Development Strategist
Get In Position
Dynamic websites in SEO services


Dynamic websites are those sites where pages are generally built using a programming language like asp, php and java. Dynamic websites are often data driven that indicates that website content is stored in a database and content from this database is accessed through dynamic code.

Dynamic websites are difficult to get indexed in major search engines. This requires professional optimization. Most search engines claim to index the majority of dynamic websites. Most of the search engines claim for indexing majority of websites but the fact is that it is limited to a small number of urls.

Then how to optimize a dynamic website in seo services so that it gets indexed by major search engines. There are various methods for this.

First is to use URL rewriting tools or softwares o convert dynamic URL to static URL. These tools are available on the web. Changing a dynamic URL to static help in getting your website easily indexed by the search engines.

Second is the use of CGI or PERL scripts to get your dynamic nature websites indexed by the search engines. This is considered as an easy method as you need to write a simple script to convert a dynamic URL to a static one.

Third method is to manage web servers. In case of apache server there is rewrite module that enables you to turn the url that contain query strings into those urls that search engines can easily index. This module is not installed with apache software by default. So it needs to be checked with your web hosting company for installation. In case of cold fusion it is necessary to configure cold fusion on your server so that �� is replaced by �� and passed the value to the URL.

Another method in seo services is creating a static page that links to an array of dynamic web pages. This is very effective when you own a small online store. When a static page is created linking to all the dynamic web pages then optimize this static page for search engine rankings.

Rajeev Guglani writes articles for SEO.He has vast exposure in writing for Web Promotions.He is working for NDDW. For Website Promotion ,Internet Marketing and SEO Services India visit

Dynamic Site SEO Tips and Hints
Dynamic sites require highly specialized search engine marketing strategies that differ from those used for static sites. It’s still hard to get dynamic sites indexed unless they’re properly optimized. While search engines say they now index dynamic sites, and they do, many times it doesn’t happen without a little help. And certainly the positioning of pages is another issue altogether.
There are a number of strategies that can be used to convert your dynamic URLs into search engine-friendly URLs. Before we get into that, let’s look at how the dynamic databases used by ecommerce sites and other large sites are created, and why they’re hard to index.
What Keeps Dynamic Sites Hidden
Dynamic pages are created on the fly with technology such as ASP, Cold Fusion, Perl and the like. These pages function well for users who visit the site, but they don’t work well for search engine crawlers.
Why Because dynamically generated pages don’t actually exist until a user selects the variable(s) that generate them. A search engine spider can’t select variables, so the pages don’t get generated -– and can’t be indexed.
The big problem is that crawlers such as Google can’t read the entire dynamic database of URLs, which either contain a query string () or other database characters (#&!%) known to be spider traps. Because search crawlers have problems reading deep into a dynamic database, they’ve been programmed to detect and ignore many dynamic URLs.
We recently increased a client’s search engine potential from 6 to 659 pages. Considering that Google saw only half-a-dozen pages originally, we think hundreds of optimized pages will significantly increase our client’s search engine visibility.
Making Dynamic Sites Visible
There are a few dynamic-page optimization techniques that can be used to facilitate the indexing of dynamic sites. The first that comes to mind is to make use of static pages. There are also many methods that convert dynamic URLs to search engine-friendly URLs. Another good way to achieve wider visibility is to use paid inclusion and trusted feed programs that guarantee the indexing of dynamic sites, or a specific number of click-throughs.
Static Pages
Place links to your dynamic pages on your static pages, and submit your static pages to the search engines manually according to each search engine’s guidelines. This is easily done with a Table of Contents page that displays links to dynamic pages. While the crawlers can’t index the entire dynamic page, they will index most of the content.
Active Server Pages (ASP)
XQASP from Exception Digital Enterprise Solutions is an excellent tool for converting dynamic ASP pages into search engine-compatible formats.
For example, the following URL contains both “” and “&,” making it non-indexable


Below, it has been made search engine-friendly (all “” and “&” and “=” characters replaced with alternate characters)


Once you’ve converted the URL, don’t forget to use search engine optimization techniques to modify the HTML tags and the content within the tags, before submitting all your pages in accordance with each search engine’s submission guidelines.
ColdFusion. This might be an easy fix. Reconfigure ColdFusion on your server so that the “” in a query string is replaced with a “” that passes the value to the URL. Of course, you’ll still have to optimize your pages and make your site respond quickly when a crawler does come by for a visit.
According to recent trends, most surfers go online looking for dynamic websites. Static textual websites are far from being dead, but many people are looking for interaction and less static content. The problem with this is that we have all heard the difficulties of optimizing Flash websites and those that use very little or no text. While it’s true that the science of optimization differs slightly for dynamic websites, it is possible to perform just as well as a static text based site.

Search Engine Spiders

For their part, the major search engines have attempted to remedy the situation to some extent. Less weight is now provided to keyword cramming, and more weight given to other off-page optimization techniques – especially your link profile. By improving your link profile and by ensuring that all the pages of your website can be effectively crawled by the search engine spiders, there is no reason that a dynamic website cannot rank at the top spot in Google, Yahoo, MSN, or any other search engine.

The Importance Of Good Navigation

Navigation is important on many levels. First, your visitors need to be able to quickly and easily navigate around the main sections of your site. However, if you use a non-text based navigation menu, such as Flash or Javascript, then you should also consider adding a static sitemap. These also offer the advantage that they can be submitted to search engines in order to facilitate a speedy and accurate indexing of your pages. The sitemap should be linked from your homepage via a good old fashioned text link. This link can be anywhere on the page, for example at the very foot of the page after your main content.

Using HTML Tags

Add HTML tags to your pages. These include the header tags and title tag, but also Alt tags on images and dynamic content. These should be relevant and topic based, but they can also include important and relevant keywords. Search engines will use this information when indexing your page, in order to determine the topic and relevance of each page.

Your Link Profile

These same keywords need to be employed when building and improving your link profile. A link profile is a measure of the number, quality, and relevance of the links pointing to each of your pages. The more links you receive based on a particular keyword, the better you will perform for that search. With dynamic content websites, it is likely that you will create linkable pages so offer the HTML code including keyword optimized anchor text on each page. This way, if your visitors want to link to you, they can use links that will benefit you.

SEO For Everyone

SEO is one of the more popular methods of online marketing because it typically offers a steadily increasing amount of traffic. It can be more challenging to promote a dynamic website using pure SEO, because of the lack of on-page content, but it can be done and with diligence and good SEO practices the process needn’t be that much more involved than SEO for a static website.

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